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100 Lunches

100 Lunches

Purple Crowd

Coaching Program

Pre - program Questionnaire

Congratulations on making this life-changing decision to upgrade your life!
In order to serve you better, please take 10-15 minutes to complete this form before the program starts. 

As you know, I'm committed to serve you and make YOU happy, please tell me, what would you want to learn from this program.
1means not interested, 5 means 'TELL ME MORE NOW

Personal branding (1-5)Personal branding (1-5)
Confidence / Mindset (1-5)Confidence / Mindset (1-5)
Video creation (1-5)Video creation (1-5)
Social Media content (1-5)Social Media content (1-5)
Building social media following (1-5)Building social media following (1-5)
How to invite strangers out for lunch (1-5)How to invite strangers out for lunch (1-5)
How to invite successful people out for lunch (1-5)How to invite successful people out for lunch (1-5)
How to connect with people quickly (1-5)How to connect with people quickly (1-5)
How to be a better communicator (1-5)How to be a better communicator (1-5)
Overcoming fear of rejection (1-5)Overcoming fear of rejection (1-5)
Overcoming cultural / languate barrier (1-5)Overcoming cultural / languate barrier (1-5)
Book and article writing (1-5)Book and article writing (1-5)
Conversation topics (1-5)Conversation topics (1-5)
Closing a sale or asking for referrals (1-5)Closing a sale or asking for referrals (1-5)

Building confidence can improve all areas in your life. Id like to see your wheel of life before and after the program.

How do you rate your life How do you rate your life
Health and fitnessHealth and fitness
Relationship with friends and familyRelationship with friends and family
Intimate relationshipIntimate relationship
Personal growth Personal growth
Fun/ Recreation Fun/ Recreation
Self esteem / emotionSelf esteem / emotion

Submitted !!! Thank you so much for taking time to complete this survey. It is very important for me to understand your needs so I can serve you better. I look forward to helping you to build more confidence, grow your network and achieve anything you want! :) 

Lots of love, Kaley

Need Help? Email Kaley directly on

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